Friday, January 18, 2019

What does our name "인싸" or "Inssa" mean?

Are you curious as to what the term "인싸" or "Inssa" truly means, where it comes from, and what it stands for?

In Korea, the term 인싸 (Inssa - derived from the English term 'insider') is a slang term used to determine someone who is sociable, connected, and on par with the current trends. On the other hand, the term 아싸 (Ahssa - derived from the English term 'outsider') is used to describe someone who is considered an outcast or a homebody who is unable to keep up with everyone else around them. So why did we decide to use this name for our community?
We wanted to create a community where no one felt like an 아싸; a safe-place where we can genuinely be who we are and share our thoughts and interests with those who are like-minded. So, if you have an interest in a good read, language, or even learning Korean culture in general, follow us on all of our platforms including our YouTube and Podcasts to become an 인싸!

© 인싸 책 클럽 Inssa Book Club
Maira Gall