In Korea, the term 인싸 (Inssa - derived from the English term 'insider') is a slang term used to determine someone who is sociable, connected, and on par with the current trends. On the other hand, the term 아싸 (Ahssa - derived from the English term 'outsider') is used to describe someone who is considered an outcast or a homebody who is unable to keep up with everyone else around them. So why did we decide to use this name for our community?
We wanted to create a community where no one felt like an 아싸; a safe-place where we can genuinely be who we are and share our thoughts and interests with those who are like-minded. So, if you have an interest in a good read, language, or even learning Korean culture in general, follow us on all of our platforms including our YouTube and Podcasts to become an 인싸!